Monday, June 16, 2008


Anyone out there?? :) We can't let another month or two go by without a post!! :D

Tailynn's first birthday is next weekend...holy crap. I thought time took FOREVER back in the day, but after you have a kid, it's like *POOF* and then a year is as quick as a week.


Anyway, how are the rest of you doing?


Amy said...

Hi Bub!!

I was just thinking about posting something, and look here you are. :)

Time's actually going really slooow for me right this second, because I've been perl-scripting all day. WAH. :/

But when I think about litle Tay, it does seems like it was about 3 weeks ago when I talked to you in the hospital. yikes. :)

D. Skippy said...

AW! Happy first birthday!! I know what you mean. Feels like it was just yesterday that Natalie appeared. She'll be one in August.

Alisha said...

Very belated happy birthday to your little girl. What did you do to celebrate? I think I've finally got this blog loaded in on facebook, so hopefully I'll be around more often...